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    Why choose dental implants

    Any dentist will advise implant-replaced teeth if you have missing teeth.These implants are currently a preferred option for many individuals. They do provide more advantages than just replacing your lost teeth. With implants, you may be confident that after losing your teeth, you’ll still have a stunning smile.They are a possibility to assist you in regaining your self-assurance. Read on if you’re unsure if you should have implants or not. You may read all the justifications for coming to us for an implant after loosing teeth.For more justifications you can visit

    What are Dental Implants?

    These are artificial tooth roots that serve as the foundation for artificial teeth.With implants, your new tooth is secure.

    Why choose Implants?

    The use of implants in tooth replacement is crucial. By holding your new tooth, they make sure you regain your ideal grin. Patients who are missing one or even multiple teeth can utilise implants.

    The following are the benefits of choosing implants.

    1) How to Restore Your Perfect Smile Effectively

    The best choice for cosmetic dentistry to repair your smile is with implants. They behave, feel, and appear much like genuine teeth. Over time, implants and jawbone are intended to fuse together. Since they are organically made of titanium, they may naturally merge with the bone, making this conceivable. Due to the implant’s perfect fusion with your bone, it feels comfy. Since the implant won’t be noticeable from natural teeth, you can comfortably grin. With implants, eating and speaking won’t be an issue either.

    2) They Are Durable

    Going with implants is a good idea if you want a robust and long-lasting replacement for lost teeth. If you take proper care of them, they may last a lifetime. Titanium, a material that can withstand wearing, is used to make implants. Dentures and other alternatives like bridges will eventually need to be replaced. This is why implants are a better choice because they never need to be replaced. Simply taking proper care of them is all that is required.Other than an implant, there is no other tooth replacement option that will integrate with your bone. Strength and endurance are ensured by the fusion.

    3.Implant safety

    Your other natural teeth will not be impacted by implants.The majority of tooth replacement options are known to weaken the original teeth already present. You won’t need to be concerned about the security of your other teeth with implants. This is due to the fact that implants and jaw bone instantly merge. They are not supported by neighbouring teeth. Options like bridges damage the neighbouring teeth that already exist. This is because bridges rely on the natural teeth that are still there for stability. This will weaken the resilience of your teeth.Unlike bridges or partial dentures, implants will strengthen your natural teeth.

    4.They Stop Bone Decay

    Patients who lose their teeth and choose alternative dental implants frequently experience bone loss. The best choice is to use implants since they stop bone loss. They stop the jaw bone from resorbing by fusing with it. Bridges and other alternatives leave the jaw bone unsupported. In this manner, the bone resorbs, changing the structure of your face.

    5.They are Simple to Take Care of

    You don’t have to drastically alter your oral hygiene regimen if you have implants. After obtaining implants, you’ll carry on with your regular routine. Your implant and teeth will remain in good condition if you clean and floss often. Bridges and dentures are two solutions that may interfere with your regular dental hygiene regimen. You will require particular creams for these two to maintain good dental hygiene. They also need hours of soaking. You will be missing teeth for a while as a result, which may damage your smile.

    Who can get dental implants?

    The availability of these implants varies. They can only be placed in people who have enough bone and robust, healthy gums. The implant must be supported by enough bone to allow for fusion. You’re in a strong position to gain from implants if you practise proper dental hygiene. Patients with chronic illnesses and heavy smokers are not suitable candidates for this approach. You might not be eligible for this treatment option if you have received radiation therapy in the head or neck region.

    For more information visit or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    Benefits of dental checkups

    The majority of individuals would admit that seeing the dentist is usually not at the top of their list of things to do. Actually, 9% to 15% of patients claim they put off visits because of dental phobia and anxiety. Although going to the dentist may seem frightening, there are several benefits that should encourage you to book an appointment right away.

    1. Dental checkups prevent plaque, tartar,cavities, and tooth decay

    Even the most meticulous person may overlook cleaning their mouth’s difficult-to-reach areas. The back molars, which are notoriously challenging to clean, are a good example. For this reason, everyone should visit the dentist every six months. The patient’s teeth will be examined by the dentist to look for early indications of tooth decay. In order to stop tooth decay and fill larger cavities, the dentist will begin the patient on fluoride treatment if they discover minor cavities or white patches on their teeth. To eliminate plaque or tartar from the teeth and gums, the dentist will carry out a professional tooth cleaning. This will shield the teeth and gums from harmful germs that live in plaque and tartar and attack the teeth and gums.

    2. Routine dental visit keep gum disease away

    The majority of the time, gum disease’s early stages are symptom-free. As a result, gum disease in the mouth is difficult to detect. Fortunately, even when gum disease tries to hide, dentists are equipped to detect it. The dentist will examine the gums to make sure they are firm during a normal examination. Swelling, receding gums, and wide gum pockets will all be examined. The dentist will address the underlying problem if they discover any of these unsettling symptoms.

    3. Dentists use checkups to detect oral cancer

    A dentist will check their patient’s mouth for indications of oral cancer in addition to looking at their teeth and gums. This is excellent news because mouth cancer can become a serious condition if it is left untreated. To detect dead tissue brought on by malignancies, the dentist utilizes a special laser. A VELscope cancer exam is what the test is known as.

    It simply takes a few minutes and is painless. A person who visits the dentist every six months has a low risk of developing late-stage oral cancer because of this examination.

    4. Be fit with regular dental checkups

    Regular checkups increase the likelihood that your teeth will be solid and healthy. As long as you live, they will be at your disposal. Please feel free to drop by our clinics for a dental examination.

    For more information visit or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    how to cure periodontal disease

    An extremely serious gum infection is called periodontitis.

    Bacteria that have been permitted to build up on your teeth and gums are to blame. Your bones and teeth may suffer harm when periodontitis worsens. However, the damage can be halted if periodontitis is treated quickly and good oral hygiene is maintained.

    1.NonSurgical treatments

    Treatment options for periodontitis may include less invasive treatments, like as

    • Tartar and bacteria are removed from tooth surfaces and the gum line during scaling. Instruments, a laser, or an ultrasonic device may be used to execute it.
    • Root planing eliminates bacterial byproducts that cause irritation, impede healing, or cause the gums to reattach to the tooth surfaces while smoothing the root surfaces to prevent additional tartar and bacterial accumulation.
    • Topical or oral antibiotics can help control bacterial infection. Topical antibiotics include antibiotic mouthwashes and antibiotic gels that are inserted into pockets or the gap between your teeth and gums following extensive cleaning. However, oral antibiotics may be necessary to completely eliminate infection-causing bacteria.

    2. Surgical treatments

    If you have advanced periodontitis, therapy may need dental surgery, such as

    • In order to peel back a portion of gum tissue and expose the roots for more efficient scaling and root planing, your periodontist makes a series of small incisions in your gum. The underlying bone may need to be recontoured before the gum tissue is sutured back into place since periodontitis frequently results in bone loss. Cleaning these regions and maintaining healthy gum tissue is simpler when you recuperate.
    • Your gumline recedes as a result of gum tissue loss. Some of the soft tissue injuries may require reinforcement. This is often accomplished by taking a little quantity of tissue from the palate, a donor location, or both, and attaching it to the afflicted area. This can conceal exposed roots, slow down future gum recession, and improve the aesthetics of your teeth.
    • When periodontitis has damaged the bone supporting your tooth root, this surgery is carried out. Small pieces of your own bone, synthetic bone, or bone from a donation may be used for the transplant. By supporting your tooth, the bone transplant prevents tooth loss. It acts as a foundation for the formation of normal bone again.
    • This enables bone that was damaged by germs to regenerate. One method involves your dentist sandwiching a particular piece of biocompatible fabric between your tooth and the bone that already supports it. The substance keeps undesirable tissue out of the region that is mending, enabling bone to regrow there in its place.
    • Another approach is covering a diseased tooth root with a certain substance. The same proteins found in tooth enamel formation are present in this gel, which promotes the growth of healthy bone and tissue.

    Best Periodontist in Langhorne PA or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    What are Dental Implants and How Can They Better Your Smile?

    Premier Periodontics understands how important your smile is to you. It’s one of the most prominent parts of your face, and losing a tooth (or numerous teeth) can have a significant influence on your self-esteem. Fortunately, there are numerous choices for replacing missing teeth. Dentures, crowns, and bridges can all be used to bring your smile back to life. Of course, each of these restorative techniques has significant disadvantages. As a result, we’d like to teach you a little bit more about the gold standard of tooth restoration: dental implants. This is the most permanent, low-maintenance, and natural-looking technique of tooth replacement, and Premier Periodontics’ tooth restoration specialists will help you decide if it’s appropriate for you.

    What exactly are dental implants?

    A dental implant is a substitute for the root of your original tooth. When you choose dental implant surgery, your dentist will drill a hole in your jawbone to insert a titanium rod. The titanium rod will become a permanent part of your jawbone and a strong foundation for your new artificial tooth once you have healed. Your replacement tooth might be manufactured to mirror the appearance of your original tooth or to remedy any flaws. This replacement tooth will look, feel, and operate just like a natural tooth, and because it is permanently rooted in your jawbone, it will not fall out like dentures, crowns, and bridges.

    The Benefits of Dental Implants

    There’s a reason why dental implants are regarded as the most effective technique of restoring missing teeth. As previously said, they are long-lasting, appear natural, and function exactly like actual teeth. You also won’t have to remove them for cleaning; your dental implant is a permanent part of your mouth and can be cleaned in the same way as your other teeth.

    Dental implants have substantial advantages over overdentures for people who require all of their teeth replaced. Dentures can be uncomfortable, irritate the mouth, and fall out when you’re eating or talking. They also require daily cleaning and upkeep to avoid smells and fading. Finally, dentures are not indestructible. 

    Crowns and bridges have a few drawbacks as well. Some of your good teeth may need to be ground down in order for a crown to be fitted on top. Food particles can become caught beneath crowns and bridges, and they may not completely match the appearance of your natural teeth.

    Dental implants, on the other hand, have their own attachment site, allowing you to keep your natural teeth. They will not irritate or cause discomfort, can be cleaned in the same way as real teeth, and are unlikely to break or fall out.

    You’re undoubtedly curious now that you’ve heard about all the benefits of dental implants. Premier Periodontics provides dental implants in Langhorne, PA as well as other dentistry services to the Philadelphia area. Contact us to learn more about dental implant alternatives and costs. Go to our contact page to identify the store nearest you and give us a call now to schedule your dental implant evaluation!

    Caring for Your Mouth after a Tooth Extraction

    When dealing with oral health difficulties such as impacted teeth, damaged teeth, gingivitis, and more, dental specialists such as those at Premier Periodontics will do everything possible to save your tooth. Of course, in some circumstances, the extraction of a tooth is the only option. When a tooth’s root is broken, it is too badly impacted, or the surrounding gum tissue is not healthy enough to support it, removing a tooth or teeth may be necessary. The good news is that tooth extraction is a routine procedure with a high success rate if you follow all of your dentist’s aftercare recommendations.

    1-2 Days After Extraction

    It’s critical to focus on establishing a blood clot in the immediate aftermath of tooth extraction to allow your empty socket to recover properly. There will almost certainly be some bleeding in the first few days, so change your initial gauze pad after a few hours if it becomes saturated or soiled. Resist the urge to rinse, spit, swish, gargle, brush, or do anything else that can dislodge or prevent the clot from developing. You should also refrain from doing anything that would put pressure on the clot, such as using a straw, blowing your nose, vaping, or smoking.

    3 Days Following Extraction and Beyond

    Following the formation of your clot, continue to follow all of the suggestions for days 1-2, however, you will now be able to brush and floss as usual. Simply avoid cleaning the removed tooth region entirely when performing normal cleaning. Instead, use a mild saline solution or a pinch of salt diluted in warm water to rinse the region. A saline rinse will not only prevent infection by killing bacteria but will also provide brief pain relief. As you recover, make sure to eat only soft meals that don’t need much chewing.

    Wisdom Teeth and Multiple Tooth Extraction Aftercare

    All of the preceding requirements still apply when numerous teeth are extracted at once; however, be aware that aftercare may vary based on the location and type of teeth removed. While a smaller tooth extraction site may recover in 3-10 days, molars and wisdom teeth can take up to 2 weeks or longer. In these circumstances, your dentist will most likely prescribe particular aftercare instructions, which you should always follow to give yourself the best chance of healing rapidly.

    We hope you have received all the necessary information; for additional information, please visit our blog section or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    When Should I Replace My Toothbrush?

    When was the last time you got a new toothbrush? We discard old meals, replenish vitamins and supplements, and change beauty products on a regular basis, but when it comes to health and beauty, our oral hygiene doesn’t receive the same amount of attention or consideration as other aspects of our regimen. However, there are some key regulations and tips to follow in order to maintain excellent dental health.

    When Should You Replace Your Toothbrush? Most dentists, including Premier Periodontics, advise changing your toothbrush every three months. Brushes suffer from regular wear and tear and become less effective at eliminating plaque from teeth and gums over time. According to studies, the bristles break down and lose their potency after around 3 months.

    Another thing we don’t usually consider (and definitely don’t want to think about) is that bacteria can lurk and grow up in toothbrush bristles. As a result, it’s critical to replace your toothbrush after a cold to avoid reinfection.

    If the bristles are not adequately cared for, fungus and germs can grow. After use, properly rinse and dry your toothbrush before storing it uncovered in an upright position and away from other used toothbrushes. When traveling, make sure to cover your toothbrush head to protect it and prevent germs from spreading.

    If you can’t recall how long it’s been, look at the state of your toothbrush head – whether the bristles are worn out, fanning out, or frayed, and especially if you see dark color changes, which are a symptom of mold.

    What Happens If I Don’t Replace My Toothbrush Frequently Enough?

    If the fact that bacteria and fungi grow on your toothbrush bristles over time isn’t incentive enough to replace your toothbrush more frequently, there are a number of other hazards and unwelcome difficulties that come with not renewing your toothbrush. One problem is that old toothbrushes become ineffective at removing plaque from your teeth, resulting in gingivitis. Gingivitis, if left untreated, causes infection, which can lead to tooth loss.

    Even more undesirable, overused toothbrushes can make you sick (see: bacteria and fungus build-up), your toothbrush can grow mould, and, possibly most unappealing, you can inhale unwelcome particles if stored near a toilet.

    I don’t know about you, but I’m going to change my toothbrush right now and make an appointment with my dentist for deep cleaning.

    What to Look for When Buying Dental Supplies

    During your next dental checkup and cleaning, ask your dentist for recommendations on what you should buy depending on your specific needs, dental health state, and so on

    Look for toothbrushes with soft bristles, as firm bristles harm your teeth and gums, choose a toothbrush head size that hits one or two teeth at a time, use approved fluoride toothpaste, consider using mouthwash to combat plaque and gingivitis, and don’t forget the floss!

    Consider purchasing an electric toothbrush, which has been shown to improve oral health beyond what a manual toothbrush can achieve by removing plaque, lowering gingivitis, and removing teeth discoloration. They’ve also been demonstrated to reduce the quantity of plaque in persons with periodontal disease teeth.

    Do your homework on which products will best meet your needs, and don’t forget to ask your dentist for ideas.

    Do you require the services of a dentist? We’d be delighted to see you. Make an appointment with your nearest Primer Periodontics for dental problems.

    Can An Oral Piercing Damage Your Teeth And Gums?

    Facial piercings have grown in popularity in recent years. Nowadays, you might even see people with lip or nose piercings in professional situations. While piercings are a completely acceptable form of self-expression, it is critical to examine the effects they may have on your body before obtaining one. The American Dental Association (ADA) warns that piercings around the mouth can cause a variety of problems for persons who have them. More information about oral piercings from the ADS team:

    What Effects Do Piercings Have on Oral Health?

    You may suffer swelling and soreness at the piercing site immediately after obtaining an oral piercing. While the swelling normally subsides within a week, the dangers of oral piercings do not end there. For starters, there is a larger risk of infection with oral piercings than with many other piercings. There may also be a longer-term effect.

    Any piercing with an inside component has the potential to cause injury over time. The metal post of the piercing, as well as the backing that holds it in place, have the potential to chip or create early wear on your teeth.

    They are also harmful to the soft tissue of the gums, leading to gum recession, gum disease, and even tooth loss.

    The Most Common Piercings That Can Affect Oral Health

    Any piercing in the mouth, whether a stud, ring, or another sort of jewelry, has the potential to produce oral health problems in the future. This includes the following:

    • Pierced tongues
    • Piercings on the lips
    • Piercings in the labret (centered under the lower lip)
    • Pierced cheeks
    • Pierced Madonna/Monroe (offset above the upper lip)
    • Pierced Medusa (centered above the upper lip)

    While these are the most common oral piercings that can harm your teeth and gums, piercers are always inventing new places for piercings. In general, any piercing that comes into touch with your teeth or gums may cause injury.

    We hope you have received all the necessary information; for additional information, please visit our blog section or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    What to Do If You Lose a Crown or Bridge

    Crowns and bridges are two of the most commonly utilized procedures for replacing lost or fractured teeth. A crown or bridge can last 5-10 years or longer with adequate care, but there is a chance that your restorative equipment will get dislodged, fractured, or fall out. A lost crown or bridge, whether caused by chewing, trauma, or another reason, is a dental emergency that must be addressed as quickly as possible.

    Here are some pointers from the Premier Periodontics team on what to do if your crown or bridge falls out and how to care for your mouth until you can see a dentist.

    How Does Restorative Dentistry Work?

    When you get a crown put on a damaged tooth, your dentist will grind away a part of the tooth’s external surface to make room for the appliance. After the tooth has been prepped, the crown will be attached with a strong adhesive. Bridges function similarly, except that they are used to replace numerous teeth that are next to one another. In the case of a bridge, the anchor points for the appliance will be healthy teeth on either side of the gap.

    Because the surfaces of your teeth must be ground down in order to install a crown or bridge, they are very vulnerable when appliances come out. If you do not rapidly reset the appliance.

    Have you lost a crown or a bridge? Make a Dental Appointment Immediately

    When a restorative item, such as a crown or bridge, falls off, the first step is to call your dentist and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. If you were successful in locating the appliance, keep it and bring it with you to your appointment. If it’s in good condition, your dentist should be able to reset it easily. Even if the appliance is damaged, your dentist will analyze it to determine what happened. Don’t worry if you ingested the appliance; you should be able to pass it without incident.

    Keep the area clean while you wait for your dental appointment to avoid any harm to the underlying tooth and root. If you still have the appliance, you may be able to temporarily reset it with denture adhesive. If you lose or swallow the appliance, denture adhesive can be used to cover and preserve the exposed tooth. Only use denture adhesive; other adhesives may be hazardous or interfere with your dentist’s ability to fix the appliance.

    We hope you found the information you were looking for. For more information, please visit our blog section or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    Top Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

    While some people consider aesthetic dentistry to be a luxury, it can be just as crucial to a person’s health as cleanings and root canals. A cosmetic procedure can provide a variety of additional benefits in addition to improving the appearance of your smile. Premier Periodontics provides a wide range of dentistry services, from cosmetic to medically necessary. Here are our top reasons for considering cosmetic dentistry:

    Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Self-Esteem

    If you have yellow teeth, crooked teeth, under/overbites, and other cosmetic issues, it can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. You may be hesitant to reveal your grin to the people in your life, which can alter how others perceive you. Cosmetic dentistry operations such as tooth whitening, orthodontics, veneers, and dental implants can make you feel better about your appearance. When you have the perfect grin, you can feel more confident at work or in your personal life, which can lead to greater success in those areas.

    Some Oral Health Issues Can Be Addressed Through Cosmetic Dentistry

    Some factors, such as crooked teeth and biting irregularities, might lead to oral health problems. When your bite is off, it can cause harm to your teeth. You may develop cracks, excessive wear, or other conditions that might lead to tooth loss or make you more prone to oral rot. Crooked teeth can also cause damage and provide a pathway for bacteria to enter the area between your tooth roots and gums, potentially leading to gum disease. Gum disease and mouth infections have also been linked to more serious illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. Correcting cosmetic concerns may reduce your chances of losing your teeth or developing life-threatening health problems.

    Many surgical procedures are painless.

    We know that some people avoid going to the dentist because they are afraid of the pain. If you’ve had enough of normal dental exams, you might want to consider moving on to a cosmetic operation. Many of the therapies we provide, such as teeth whitening and dental bonding, are absolutely painless and can significantly improve your smile and dental health. Others, like orthodontics, cause little discomfort and provide enormous benefits once treatment is completed.

    Cosmetic dentistry may be less expensive than you think.

    Think again if you believe you cannot afford a cosmetic dental operation. We make every effort to keep our procedures as inexpensive as feasible. Ask your dentist about that aesthetic operation you’ve been thinking about the next time you come in for a checkup. You might be amazed at how inexpensive it is!

    I hope you found the information you were looking for more information visit or call us at (267) 908-4867.

    What You Can Do About Sensitive Teeth

    An estimated 40 million Americans have sensitive teeth, so you are not alone if you experience pain when eating certain foods. Sensitive teeth can make it difficult to enjoy favorite foods, whether they’re too cold, too spicy, or too acidic. Fortunately, there are some things you may do to lessen tooth sensitivity.

    Use a Toothpaste Designed to Treat Sensitive Teeth instead.

    It may appear to be a straightforward treatment, yet many people who suffer from dental sensitivity have never tried it. Toothpaste for sensitivity isn’t a passing trend; they actually work! If dental sensitivity is driving you insane, try a different toothpaste. What do you have to lose?

    Use Only Soft Bristled Toothbrushes

    Tooth sensitivity can be caused by gum recession or other gum problems. Brushing your gums gently while brushing your teeth is essential if you want healthy gums. Plaque accumulation from the gum line can be removed using a soft-bristled toothbrush without hurting the sensitive gum tissue.

    Avoid Consuming Foods and Drinks That Can Exacerbate Sensitivity

    The most prevalent causes of dental sensitivity are heat, cold, and acid. If a certain meal is troubling you, it is best to avoid it until you can control your sensitivity.

    Put on a mouthguard. While Sleeping

    Another cause of dental sensitivity is bruxism, or excessive teeth grinding. Many of our bruxism patients are unaware of their condition because it usually occurs when they are sleeping. Consult your dentist about bruxism and consider wearing a mouthguard at night to prevent you from grinding your teeth

    Experiment with oil pulling.

    While it may appear to be a new-age fad, there is some science to back up the theory of oil pulling. You may remove biofilm and plaque from the teeth, gums, and regions between the teeth by swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes every day, leading to the healthier gum tissue and less sensitive teeth over time.

    Schedule a Dental Checkup

    It is critical to keep your dentist informed of any problems you are experiencing, including tooth sensitivity. Painful or sensitive teeth might be an indication of larger problems, so schedule a dental appointment and explain your sensitivity. Your dentist may offer some of the procedures indicated above, as well as additional therapies, to alleviate your tooth discomfort. Remember that sensitivity can take time to disappear, so be patient and keep your dentist informed of your progress.

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