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    Caring for Your Mouth after a Tooth Extraction

    When dealing with oral health difficulties such as impacted teeth, damaged teeth, gingivitis, and more, dental specialists such as those at Premier Periodontics will do everything possible to save your tooth. Of course, in some circumstances, the extraction of a tooth is the only option. When a tooth’s root is broken, it is too badly impacted, or the surrounding gum tissue is not healthy enough to support it, removing a tooth or teeth may be necessary. The good news is that tooth extraction is a routine procedure with a high success rate if you follow all of your dentist’s aftercare recommendations.

    1-2 Days After Extraction

    It’s critical to focus on establishing a blood clot in the immediate aftermath of tooth extraction to allow your empty socket to recover properly. There will almost certainly be some bleeding in the first few days, so change your initial gauze pad after a few hours if it becomes saturated or soiled. Resist the urge to rinse, spit, swish, gargle, brush, or do anything else that can dislodge or prevent the clot from developing. You should also refrain from doing anything that would put pressure on the clot, such as using a straw, blowing your nose, vaping, or smoking.

    3 Days Following Extraction and Beyond

    Following the formation of your clot, continue to follow all of the suggestions for days 1-2, however, you will now be able to brush and floss as usual. Simply avoid cleaning the removed tooth region entirely when performing normal cleaning. Instead, use a mild saline solution or a pinch of salt diluted in warm water to rinse the region. A saline rinse will not only prevent infection by killing bacteria but will also provide brief pain relief. As you recover, make sure to eat only soft meals that don’t need much chewing.

    Wisdom Teeth and Multiple Tooth Extraction Aftercare

    All of the preceding requirements still apply when numerous teeth are extracted at once; however, be aware that aftercare may vary based on the location and type of teeth removed. While a smaller tooth extraction site may recover in 3-10 days, molars and wisdom teeth can take up to 2 weeks or longer. In these circumstances, your dentist will most likely prescribe particular aftercare instructions, which you should always follow to give yourself the best chance of healing rapidly.

    We hope you have received all the necessary information; for additional information, please visit our blog section or call us at (267) 908-4867.

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