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    7 Common Questions About Tooth Splints Answered


    Tooth splints are a usual dental fix that often makes people wonder. If you’re thinking about getting one or just want to know more, you’re in the right spot. We’ll talk about the common questions people have about tooth splints and give simple, easy-to-understand answers to help you get it.


    1. What Are Tooth Splints?

    2. How Are Tooth Splints Installed?

    3. Are Tooth Splints Painful?

    4. How Long Do Tooth Splints Last?

    5. Can Tooth Splints Be Removed?

     6. Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated With Tooth Splints…

    7. How Much Do Tooth Splints Cost?

    1. What Are Tooth Splints?

    What Are Tooth Splints

    Tooth splints are like little helpers for your teeth, especially when they’re feeling wobbly or hurt. They’re usually made of metal, a special kind of plastic called composite resin, or sometimes a mix of both. These helpers are attached to the tooth that needs support and the nearby strong teeth to keep things steady.

    People use tooth splints for different dental problems, like when a tooth moves around too much because of gum issues, an injury, or if the bite doesn’t line up right. By keeping the troubled tooth still, splints help it heal up, ease any pain, and make your mouth healthier overall.

    2. How Are Tooth Splints Installed?

    How Are Tooth Splints Installed

    Getting tooth splints put in is usually pretty simple and happens at the dentist’s office. First, your dentist will take a good look at your teeth and gum to see how much help they need and figure out which kind of splint will work best for you. Then, they’ll clean up the teeth that need the splint.

    After that, your dentist will stick the splint onto the tooth that needs support using special dental glue. They might make the splint fit your teeth exactly so it feels just right. Once it’s on, the dentist will check to make sure everything lines up and works okay. Sometimes, they might start with a temporary splint to see how it goes before deciding on a permanent one.

    3. Are Tooth Splints Painful?

    Are Tooth Splints Painful

    Lots of folks worry that getting tooth splints might hurt, but usually, it’s not so bad. Putting in tooth splints is usually quick and doesn’t cause much pain. Most people just feel a bit of pressure during the procedure, which isn’t too bad. If you need it, you can take some regular pain medicine to help with any discomfort.

    After the splints are on, some folks might feel a little sensitive or sore around their teeth for a short while. This feeling doesn’t stick around for long though, usually just a few days. If you’re still feeling pain or discomfort after getting tooth splints, it’s a good idea to give your dentist a call. They can check things out and give you some advice on how to feel better.

    4. How Long Do Tooth Splints Last?

    How Long Do Tooth Splints Last

    How long tooth splints stick around depends on a few things, like what kind of splint it is, how bad the tooth trouble is, and how well you take care of your teeth. Temporary splints are meant to help out for a short time, like when you’re healing up from a dental injury or surgery. They might need to switch out now and then.

    But if you’re looking at permanent tooth splints, those are built to last. With good care and regular dentist visits, they can stay in place for a long time – even for years or your whole life. Just make sure to keep up with those check-ups so your dentist can keep an eye on things and fix any problems early.

    5. Can Tooth Splints Be Removed?

    Can Tooth Splints Be Removed

    For the most part, tooth splints are meant to stay put in your mouth and become a permanent part of it. But sometimes, things change, and adjustments might be needed. If your dental condition shifts or the splint itself doesn’t hold up as it should, your dentist might need to tweak it, fix it up, or swap it out.

    Now, if you’ve got temporary splints, those are just there for a job and might come out once it’s done – like when you’ve healed up from an injury or surgery. Whatever kind of splint you’ve got, make sure to listen to your dentist about what needs to happen next. Following their advice helps keep your mouth in tip-top shape and gets you the best results from your treatment.

     6. Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated With Tooth Splints?

     Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated With Tooth Splints

    Just like with any dental work, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to tooth splints. While problems are rare, they can still happen. Some folks might have allergies or be sensitive to the materials in the splints, which could make their mouth feel uncomfortable or irritated.

    There’s also a small chance of accidentally hurting the teeth or gums nearby when putting in or taking out the splints. But don’t worry too much – picking a dentist who knows what they’re doing and taking good care of your teeth can help lower these risks. Just keep up with your dental hygiene routine, and everything should be A-OK.

    7. How Much Do Tooth Splints Cost?

    How Much Do Tooth Splints Cost

    How much you pay for tooth splints depends on different things like how hard your case is, what stuff they’re made of, and where you live. Usually, though, they’re not as expensive as big dental jobs like implants or braces.

    When you first talk to your dentist about tooth splints, they’ll give you an idea of how much it might cost based on what you need. It’s also a good idea to check if your dental insurance covers splints. If it does, you might not have to pay as much from your pocket.


    Tooth splints are like little superheroes for your teeth, giving them the extra support they need to heal up and work properly again. We’ve covered some common questions about tooth splints to help you feel more at ease and confident about your dental health choices.

    But if you’re still unsure or have any worries about tooth splints or your oral health in general, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist. They’re the experts and can give you advice that’s just right for you and your unique situation. Your smile is worth it, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

    If you want help or want to talk to us, you can call our team at (267) 908-4867 or check our website at Making your smile better is what matters most to us. We promise to give you all the help and info you need to feel good about your dental care. We care a lot about your teeth and want to make sure you feel comfy and happy during your visits. You can count on us to take care of your smile, and we’re excited to help you get the bright, healthy smile you deserve!

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