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    Tooth Splinting

    Do you remember the sensation of having loose teeth when you were a child? If you experience something similar as an adult, you need to consult with a periodontist in Langhorne immediately. Periodontal stabilization of loose or moving teeth is possible, but you need to act fast before the problem becomes too severe.

    What Causes Teeth to Loosen?

    Periodontal disease is the main cause for most patients’ teeth to become mobile and unstable This condition causes the main supporting bone structure, known as the alveolar bone, deteriorate in the presence of infection and wear away. Some and if no treatment is sought out, all of the tooth supporting bone can become infected and resorbed as the result of the disease process. The problem can be compounded if the patient naturally has thin bone or short tooth roots.

    What Treatments Are Available?

    Periodontal stabilization is possible by splinting the mobile teeth. There are two variations of this procedure: intracoronal and extracoronal splints.

    For intracoronal splints, a small channel is cut into a row of teeth on the inside of the patient’s mouth. A rigid metal wire is inserted, andbonded in place to hold all the involved teeth together. Extracoronal splints involve a similar process except the metal or resin splint is placed outside of the teeth. These splints are placed behind the teeth, in such a way, that it is not noticeable when you smile. . Both manners of splinting aim to evenly distribute the biting force. Instead of all the pressure falling on one tooth that is loose, it falls on a row of teeth so that they work together to help you chew.

    What Are the Advantages?

    • There are several benefits to undergoing this procedure. Stabilizing moving teeth
    • Delay of total tooth loss
    • Reduced damage to the already weakened alveolar bone and periodontal ligaments
    • Greater ability to chew comfortably

    When periodontal disease and mobile teeth are not addressed promptly, it can lead to teeth falling out prematurely. Patients may also develop TMJ disorders and have difficulty using the teeth they still have.


    Other procedures may be required in conjunction with tooth splinting, such as treatment of the underlying periodontitis.If you are worried about having loose teeth, then you have an easy answer to the question, “Where is a skilled periodontist near me?” Dr. Ann Chernyak and the team at Premier Periodontics are here to help. You can contact our office by phone or by filling out our online contact form.

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