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    Top Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

    While some people consider aesthetic dentistry to be a luxury, it can be just as crucial to a person’s health as cleanings and root canals. A cosmetic procedure can provide a variety of additional benefits in addition to improving the appearance of your smile. Premier Periodontics provides a wide range of dentistry services, from cosmetic to medically necessary. Here are our top reasons for considering cosmetic dentistry:

    Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Self-Esteem

    If you have yellow teeth, crooked teeth, under/overbites, and other cosmetic issues, it can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. You may be hesitant to reveal your grin to the people in your life, which can alter how others perceive you. Cosmetic dentistry operations such as tooth whitening, orthodontics, veneers, and dental implants can make you feel better about your appearance. When you have the perfect grin, you can feel more confident at work or in your personal life, which can lead to greater success in those areas.

    Some Oral Health Issues Can Be Addressed Through Cosmetic Dentistry

    Some factors, such as crooked teeth and biting irregularities, might lead to oral health problems. When your bite is off, it can cause harm to your teeth. You may develop cracks, excessive wear, or other conditions that might lead to tooth loss or make you more prone to oral rot. Crooked teeth can also cause damage and provide a pathway for bacteria to enter the area between your tooth roots and gums, potentially leading to gum disease. Gum disease and mouth infections have also been linked to more serious illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. Correcting cosmetic concerns may reduce your chances of losing your teeth or developing life-threatening health problems.

    Many surgical procedures are painless.

    We know that some people avoid going to the dentist because they are afraid of the pain. If you’ve had enough of normal dental exams, you might want to consider moving on to a cosmetic operation. Many of the therapies we provide, such as teeth whitening and dental bonding, are absolutely painless and can significantly improve your smile and dental health. Others, like orthodontics, cause little discomfort and provide enormous benefits once treatment is completed.

    Cosmetic dentistry may be less expensive than you think.

    Think again if you believe you cannot afford a cosmetic dental operation. We make every effort to keep our procedures as inexpensive as feasible. Ask your dentist about that aesthetic operation you’ve been thinking about the next time you come in for a checkup. You might be amazed at how inexpensive it is!

    I hope you found the information you were looking for more information visit or call us at (267) 908-4867.

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