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    Types of cosmetic Dentistry

    The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to aesthetic improve the patient appearance. Many kinds of cosmetic surgery happen like cheek enhancement, facial rejuvenation, tummy tuck, and many more. Cosmetic surgery reconstructs or redesigns to improve a patient’s physical appearance. It may help to increase confidence, and morale; when cosmetic surgery regarding teeth here we see some details. We provide cosmetic surgery; our cosmetic dentist in Langhorne pa will help you to increase your appearance.

    Cosmetic dentistry mainly happens, teeth stains and discolored, teeth need to repair chipped teeth, any broken teeth, and the gap between two teeth, misalign teeth. In such conditions, the patient may need cosmetic surgery to enhance the patient’s smile and appearance. Many cosmetic dental procedures are available; here are some details. Please read further.

    Teeth Whitening:

    Discolor teeth are a common problem in many peoples. However, tooth whitening is common and attracts patients. It is a very easy process and happens on a low budget so patients undergo this treatment without any hesitation. It improves the smile of the patient. This procedure helps to lighten the teeth.

    Porcelain Veneers:

    Dental Veneer is general procedure paper-thin or maybe papery teeth and custom-fitted porcelain or resin for tooth outer surface and tooth shape. It needs to remove half-millimeter of the enamel of the tooth. And these shells cement the outer layer of the tooth. This procedure is useful with teeth color, size, shape change, and length.

    Dental Bonding:

    It is a procedure that applies a tooth color resin or durable plastic in addition to bonding material to the outer surface of the tooth with ultraviolet or a kind of laser light. This surgery can useful for amalgam, silver filling. Dentists polish, trim or give shapes to the teeth.

    Dental Crowns:

    Dental crowns reconstruct the tooth shape, size, appearance, and durability. A dental crown is also known as a cap. It is placed on top of the teeth. A dental crown can stay for a decade.

    Dental Implant: 

    Dental implants are mainly used to replace the original teeth with custom teeth. Somewhere it use to fill the gap of missing teeth. It can be feet or screwed into a bone socket.

    Ultimately Cosmetic dentistry improves the teeth appearance and smile line of patients.

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